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Code of Ethics

Section I: TCCP Code of Ethics

Working as a travel coach certified by The Travel Coach Network™, owned by Sahara Rose Travels, LLC, you acknowledge and agree to following this Code of Ethics.

Working as a travel coach certified by The Travel Coach Network™, owned by Sahara Rose Travels, LLC, any and all legal responsibilities and actions are solely under your responsibility and never of The Travel Coach Network™ or Sahara Rose Travels, LLC.

Before the initial meeting, your client(s) fully and clearly understand the nature and potential value of the coaching session, the limits of confidentiality, any financial agreements, and any other terms of the established coaching agreement.

As the coach, your responsibility is to create an agreement or contract that clearly lays out the coach’s role and the client’s role including responsibilities, and rights of all parties involved prior to the coaching sessions beginning.

Make it clear of what will be discussed and what will not be discussed due to client’s comfort levels and rights to discretion. As the coach, you are making it aware of the legal responsibly if established agreements are broken.

Make it clear of how information is exchanged between all parties during each coaching session.

Have a clear understanding with both Clients and Sponsors or interested parties about the conditions under which information will not be kept confidential (e.g., illegal activity, if required by law, pursuant to valid court order or subpoena; imminent or likely risk of danger to self or to others; etc.). Where I reasonably believe one of the above circumstances is applicable, I may need to inform appropriate authorities.

As the coach, you will maintain, store, or discard any records of information or client sessions in a manner that follows proper confidentiality, security, and privacy agreements and laws, unless further discussed and agreed upon with the client in writing.

You agree that any and all payments or payment discrepancies between yourself and clients are solely your responsibility and never the responsibility of The Travel Coach Network™, owned by Sahara Rose Travels, LLC

You will work with your clients respectfully and never use any harmful language or behaviors, including but not limited to race, religion, gender, age, etc.

You will provide your clients with a safe and comfortable environment where their information is made confidential and they are aware of each party’s roles.

You will hold no responsibility to any outcomes, results, or behaviors of your clients.  What they gain from your services are solely based upon their own action, mindset, behaviors, etc.

You will represent and speak positively about The Travel Coach Program and its owner, instructor(s), and other members. This includes on social media, in-person, etc.

You will show respect, integrity, and kindness to all members of The Travel Coach Program and The Travel Coach Network™ including, but not limited to, online, in-person, social media, etc.

If a shift in value received from the coaching relationship occurs, make any necessary changes in the relationship or encourage the client(s) to seek another coach, professional, or alternative resource.

Make it clear of all parties’ rights to terminating the coaching relationship in your agreement and what that entails in a fair manner.  

You are aware and accepting of the need of multiple contracts and relationships with the same client(s) at the same time with intent to avoid any conflict of interests.

You will disclose to your clients the potential gain of compensation, or other benefits, that you may receive for referring clients to third parties.

You will provide consistent quality coaching to your clients regardless of the amount charged or agreed upon.

Consciously and actively manage any power or status difference between you and your client that may be caused by cultural, relational, psychological or contextual issues.

Section II: Responsibility to Practice and Performance

As a Travel Coach Program (TCP) Professional, I:

Acknowledge, approve, and agree to the TCP Code of Ethics in all of my interactions. When I become aware of a possible breach of the Code by myself or I recognize unethical behavior in another TCP Professional, I respectfully raise the matter with the owner, Sahara Rose De Vore with Sahara Rose Travels, LLC.

Require adherence to the TCP Code of Ethics by all support personnel.

Will commit to excellence through continued personal, professional and ethical development.

 Will recognize my personal limitations or circumstances that may impair, conflict with or interfere with my coaching performance or my professional coaching relationships, regardless if it requires suspending or terminating my coaching agreements and relationships. I will seek and reach out for support to help determining a plan of action to be had.  If needed, I will seek professional guidance. 

Will manage and resolve any conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest with any clients or other parties through my established coaching agreement and further communications. This includes identifying and establishing any organizational roles, responsibilities, records, relationships, requirements, and confidential information.

Maintain the privacy of all TCP and TCN Members and the use of the TCP and TCN member contact information (of any sort) unless otherwise specified.


Section III: Professional Responsibility

As a TCP Professional, I:

Accurately acknowledge, identify, and clarify my coaching qualifications, coaching competency level, area of expertise, completed trainings, certifications, and professional credentials.

Will make verbal and written statements that are honest and accurate about what I offer as a TCP professional, what is offered by the TCP program, the travel coaching profession, and the potential value of my coaching services.

Will hold responsibility for being aware of and setting appropriate and respectful boundaries in all interactions, both physically and verbally.

Will communicate and create awareness with anyone who needs to made knowledgeable of the ethical responsibility set in place by this TCP Code of Ethics.


Section IV: Societal Responsibility

As a TCP Professional, I:

Will never discriminate or alter my fairness and equality in any and all of my services and coaching. I will also respect all rules and cultural practices.  This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, or military status.

Will work within and be honest with all scientific standards and boundaries of my understanding when conducting and reporting research. 

Hold awareness of my client’s impact on society and adhere to do what is ethically right.

Respect and recognize any intellectual property of others, both in and out of the TCP, the TCN, and any Sahara Rose Travels, LLC materials and services. I will solely claim ownership of my own material.  I understand that a breach in this standard may subject me to legal remedy by a third party.

The Pledge of Ethics of the TCP Professional

As a travel coach under the TCP professional, in accordance with the standards of the TCP and TCN Code of Ethics, I acknowledge and agree to fulfill my ethical and legal obligations to my coaching client(s), sponsor(s), colleagues and to the public at large.

If I breach any part of the TCP or TCN Code of Ethics, I agree that the TCP and TCN owner may hold me accountable for so doing. I further agree that my accountability to the TCP for any breach may include sanctions, such as mandatory additional coach training or other education or loss of my TCN Membership and/or my any TCP Credentials.



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