Are you struggling to get clients? This blog post is for you.
It is one thing to chase clients and it’s another to attract them.
I’ve seen the posts time and time again that say “book now!” or “why you should visit (insert destination) now!”
Travel is too meaningful of an experience to “sell” it in a very surface-level way.
Why and how people travel, where they go, and who they travel with all has purpose to it. What people are seeking out of a travel experience has reason behind it and intention that needs to be applied to it.
Here are 5 things to ask yourself if you are struggling to attract your ideal clients:
1) Are you clear on your story?
Your own story of why you started traveling, what travel has done for you, how travel has transformed and impacted your life, what travel means to you, any hurdles that you’ve overcome, any downfalls that you’ve had, any revelations that you have had, etc, all matter.
You must have a clear story that directly relates to and ties to what you believe in about travel and who you help have meaningful travel experiences.
2) Is your messaging focused and consistent?
Just because you love to travel, have visited to X amount of destinations, and know a lot about traveling, do you feel like your ideas and thoughts are all over the place? Do you sometimes talk about packing tips one day, how to explore a certain place on a budget another day, and then your favorite travel websites another day?
Every business must have a focus on WHAT you believe in and WHY. It’s important that you create clear and concise messaging that support what your business is all about, who you serve, and the experiences or solutions that you provide.
3) Are you spreading your message and your story in an effective way?
Visibility is essential to growing your business. If no one knows about you and how you can help them, no one will work with or buy from you. There are many ways to get visibility for your business. One of my favorites is media and publicity (like when I got my name and business into outlets like CNN Travel or was a guest on podcasts like Conde Nast’s Women Who Travel). Visibility simply means to get seen, known, and heard. You can get visible through social media but strategically, you will want to be on the right channels of where YOUR ideal clients spend time. There are many other ways to get visible as well.
4) Do you have an offer?
If you don’t have something for a client to opt into, they can’t work with or buy from you. An offer doesn’t have to be a full organized experience. You can simply begin with a private coaching session or a digital product like your best information and guidance put into a mini course or an ebook. To build a business means to offer a solution to your clients. What are you offering them? How can they learn from and benefit from knowing about you?
5) Do you have an ask?
What I mean by “an ask” is are you charging for your services or products? In exchange for your time, energy, knowledge, and guidance, what does your ideal client need to pay? Pricing your service or offer can be challenging (it’s a common question that I get from the TCCP program members), but you have to start somewhere. You will continue to learn from your experiences of working with clients and offering your products and you will adjust your price over time. But, you can’t generate revenue if you don’t have revenue streams that have an ask. How are you selling your offer? How are you promoting your offer? How are you landing clients or creating passive income? Business is strategy, sales is strategy. When done right, it can be fun and easy.
We help you with each one of these aspects of building and growing your business, and so much more, within The Travel Coach Certification Program.
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