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What if the Travel Industry Celebrated Transformation over Sales?

What if the travel industry celebrated the impact that travel experiences have on clients rather than celebrating sales?

Every time that I attend a travel agent event, whether it’s virtual or in-person, or I see a travel agent being highlighted, it’s always because of how high their sales are.

You are great at upselling and selling expensive trips. Congrats.

Every time that I see an advertisement or an event for training travel agents, the focus again is always on how to increase sales.

I get it. We want to make money.

But, why does the travel industry want to continue to make traveling seem unattainable or something that can only be done once or twice a year?

In an industry that is so emotional, personal, and powerful when it comes to the impact that travel experiences can have on us as human beings in so many different ways, why aren’t we highlighting the transformation that our trips are providing people with?

What if the focus for travel experts was less on increasing sales,...

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Providing Transformative Experiences as a Travel Coach

Providing a transformative travel experience to clients involves going beyond the ordinary and creating opportunities for personal growth, self-reflection, and meaningful connections. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  1. Understand your clients: Take the time to truly understand your clients' interests, desires, and goals for their travel experience. Engage in thorough conversations to uncover their motivations, passions, and aspirations. This understanding will allow you to tailor their journey to their specific needs and create a truly transformative experience.
  2. Encourage stepping out of comfort zones: Help your clients explore new territories, both physically and emotionally. Encourage them to step out of their comfort zones and try new activities, engage with local cultures, and embrace unfamiliar situations. This can foster personal growth, expand perspectives, and build resilience.
  3. Foster meaningful connections: Facilitate opportunities for your clients to connect with ...
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Why you Should Stop Saying "Transformative Travel" in your Marketing and What to Say Instead

When you’re asked “What are the true underlying reasons why your ideal client wants to travel?”, does your response include that that want a “transformative” experience?


If so, here’s why you should rethink your marketing strategy.


You as the travel coach and expert know that travel is transformative and the extent of how much of an impact and benefit it can have on one’s life, relationship, wellbeing, mindset, etc, but, your clients most likely don’t.


So, saying that a travel is “transformative” really means nothing to them.


What you need to do in your messaging and marketing is to paint the picture of HOW a travel experience can be transformative for your ideal client.

I say “ideal client” because you need to know WHO exactly you are serving, what their specific needs, wants, desires, struggles, and pain points are, and speak directly to those.


So, instead of talking about how great a certain destination is and what it has to offer, instead, share WHY that desti...

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The Impact of Travel on a Brain in Crisis

By: Cari Kelley

Travel has always been celebrated for its ability to broaden horizons and provide new experiences. However, beyond its external benefits, travel can also have a profound impact on the human brain, particularly when it is in a state of crisis. Whether facing personal challenges, stress, or mental health issues, embarking on a journey can offer a unique set of therapeutic effects. In this blog, I will explore the positive influence of travel on the brain in crisis, shedding light on its potential to promote healing, resilience, and personal growth.

1. Escaping the Familiarity Trap

When the brain is caught in crisis, the comfort of routine can become a double-edged sword. Familiar surroundings might inadvertently remind us of our problems, reinforcing negative thought patterns. Travel breaks this cycle by immersing us in new and unfamiliar environments. Stepping outside the comfort zone can stimulate the brain, enabling it to focus on the present and divert attention fr...

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Five Things Travel Coaches Wish You Knew About Travel

Travel is about more than just visiting new places; it's an opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and connection with the world around you. Travel coaches understand the transformative power of travel and have valuable insights to share with those looking to embark on their own adventures. We reached out to members of our Travel Coach Certification Program and asked them to share what they wished everyone knew about travel. These powerful insights will inspire you to embrace the world of travel with confidence and enthusiasm.

Source: Pixabay

1. You Are Capable of That Solo Trip

One of the most common misconceptions about travel is the belief that it's only possible when you have a travel companion. While traveling with friends or family can be enjoyable, don't let the absence of a buddy deter you from exploring the world. You are more capable than you might think of embarking on a solo journey!

Solo travel offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery, independence, a...

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Shift Your Paradigm and Grow Volunteering Abroad

By: Ricardo Wilkins

In 2019, I embarked on a life-changing journey volunteering in Cartagena, Colombia. Before departing, I often felt that my career held me back from growing and living a fulfilled life. With nothing to lose and uncertain of my path forward in life, I boldly decided to volunteer in a different country while living with a host family. What I did not know then was how pivotal that environment would be to shift my mindset and help shape the inspired life that followed. During my two months volunteering I was content and happy living a new lifestyle. I recognized that the things I held on to weren’t that important and allowed me to define my authentic values. 
Stepping into the unknown, embracing new cultures, and engaging in selfless acts are the ingredients for a transformative experience. As an Immersive Volunteer Travel Coach who has ventured into the vibrant city of Cartagena, Colombia, I have experienced firsthand how immersive volunteering can spark a profound par...

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Helping People Heal Through Travel: A Journey to Restoration

Travel has long been recognized for its ability to rejuvenate the soul, ignite a sense of adventure, and create lasting memories. But did you know that travel can also serve as a powerful tool for healing and personal transformation? Whether it's recovering from a loss, overcoming a challenging period, or simply seeking solace and self-discovery, the transformative nature of travel can provide a much-needed path to healing. In this blog post, we will explore how travel can help people heal, restore their spirits, and embark on a transformative journey towards healing and self-renewal.

1. It Offers a Break from Routine and Familiarity

Sometimes, healing begins with stepping away from the familiar and embracing new environments. Travel allows individuals to temporarily detach from their routine, surroundings, and responsibilities, creating a space for self-reflection and emotional healing.

  • Distance from triggers and reminders: For those experiencing grief, heartache, or traumatic ev
  • ...
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What Being a 40-year-old Backpacker in India Taught Me

By: Terri Reynolds

How it Started

It was 1998, I was 38, it was the end of my second marriage. I decided I would be the one to
move out of the marital home, it was easier that way. I asked my 18-year-old daughter
what she preferred to do, and she wanted to stay there. That was fine, I was only 10
minutes away.

The months that followed began a mind-numbing routine of eat, work, sleep, repeat. That
summer I went on my first ever girls’ holiday, it was just my friend and me. We went to
Zante, Greece. I loved it so much I went back twice more that summer. I got friendly with
the workers on the island and decided that when I returned home, I would ask for a career
break for a year, to go back to Greece the following season, as a worker.

My first girls' holiday in Zante, Greece.

Work said yes! I was so excited.

Then a work colleague who had heard of my plans, suggested a round the world ticket. I’d
never heard of this – tell me more.

Now – I’d only ever been abroad to Spain (with family in ...

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Feeling Burnt Out? Activate Your Bucket List!

By: Christine DePalo

Stressed. Exhausted. Frustrated. Confused. Overwhelmed. Indeed, I was experiencing the effects of burnout. Whether it be the pandemic, work, or just life in general, I’m sure you can relate. 

In 2022, I felt very stuck. Nothing seemed to be going right, my teaching job was getting more stressful, and my health was in peril. I felt like a zombie, just lumbering through life with no voice. At that point, I knew I had to do something to make a change because I felt like I was going in circles. I tried everything to recover, but nothing helped me feel like myself. I needed to get away. I had always enjoyed traveling and exploring new places and decided that a trip was in order! So, I dusted off my bucket list and the wheels began to turn. 

My bucket list was a living document where I added and removed locations. Over time, I realized that the trend of my preferred sites were places that presented challenges- physically, emotionally and spiritually. Africa was at the...

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Episode 16: Interview With Sonia Cruz Oro: A Transformational Travel Coach

The Travel Coach Network podcast is your weekly dose of travel coach info, inspo and news from around the globe. Tune in to each episode to hear inspiring stories of successful travel coaches who are building their lives and business around travel, all while exploring the world. You'll also learn all about travel coaching, setting intentions for your trip, adding meaning to travel, and how you can grow your own travel coaching business. Because remember, there is more to a travel career than just blogging and booking. Now join us as we reshape how and why people travel. 

Sahara Rose: Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the Travel Coach Network podcast. It is I, Sahara Rose De Vore, the founder of the Travel Coach Network and the creator and instructor of the Travel Coach Certification Program. I am so excited today because I have my very first guest with me on the podcast, Sonia Cruz Oro. She is one of our founding members of the Travel Coach Network and an amazing travel coach. 

Sonia ...

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