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Helping People Heal Through Travel: A Journey to Restoration

wellness travel Jan 16, 2024

Travel has long been recognized for its ability to rejuvenate the soul, ignite a sense of adventure, and create lasting memories. But did you know that travel can also serve as a powerful tool for healing and personal transformation? Whether it's recovering from a loss, overcoming a challenging period, or simply seeking solace and self-discovery, the transformative nature of travel can provide a much-needed path to healing. In this blog post, we will explore how travel can help people heal, restore their spirits, and embark on a transformative journey towards healing and self-renewal.


1. A Break from Routine and Familiarity:

Sometimes, healing begins with stepping away from the familiar and embracing new environments. Travel allows individuals to temporarily detach from their routine, surroundings, and responsibilities, creating a space for self-reflection and emotional healing.

  • Distance from triggers and reminders: For those experiencing grief, heartache, or traumatic events, ...
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2024 Travel Trends + Travel Coaching



A recent TravelPulse article discussed The Travel Trends That Will Define 2024. Here’s how some of these trends fit into Travel Coaching.


Learning about and immersing into other cultures: Travelers have a natural curiosity for how other people around the world live. We saw this in our own TCN 2023 Study on the Deeper Reasons for Why People Travel where our second highest category was Learning About and Experiencing Other Cultures. When you step out of your comfort zone and dive into another culture that opens your eyes, mind, and heart to what else exists in this world, you undoubtably will have an experience that changes who you are. As a Travel Coach, suggest destinations that best suit the cultural experiences that your clients are looking for while explaining how those experiences can enhance their trip.


Making a positive impact: Travelers are becoming more mindful of the impact that they make on the Planet and local communities than ever before which is encouraging t...

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The Impact of Travel on a Brain in Crisis

By: Cari Kelley

Travel has always been celebrated for its ability to broaden horizons and provide new experiences. However, beyond its external benefits, travel can also have a profound impact on the human brain, particularly when it is in a state of crisis. Whether facing personal challenges, stress, or mental health issues, embarking on a journey can offer a unique set of therapeutic effects. In this blog, I will explore the positive influence of travel on the brain in crisis, shedding light on its potential to promote healing, resilience, and personal growth.

1. Escaping the Familiarity Trap

When the brain is caught in crisis, the comfort of routine can become a double-edged sword. Familiar surroundings might inadvertently remind us of our problems, reinforcing negative thought patterns. Travel breaks this cycle by immersing us in new and unfamiliar environments. Stepping outside the comfort zone can stimulate the brain, enabling it to focus on the present and divert attention fr...

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Five Things Travel Coaches Wish You Knew About Travel

Travel is about more than just visiting new places; it's an opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and connection with the world around you. Travel coaches understand the transformative power of travel and have valuable insights to share with those looking to embark on their own adventures. We reached out to members of our Travel Coach Certification Program and asked them to share what they wished everyone knew about travel. These powerful insights will inspire you to embrace the world of travel with confidence and enthusiasm.

Source: Pixabay

1. You Are Capable of That Solo Trip

One of the most common misconceptions about travel is the belief that it's only possible when you have a travel companion. While traveling with friends or family can be enjoyable, don't let the absence of a buddy deter you from exploring the world. You are more capable than you might think of embarking on a solo journey!

Solo travel offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery, independence, a...

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How Travel Contributes to Your 3 Buckets of Happiness

wellness travel Jul 31, 2023

Studies show that there are three buckets to fill that lead to increased happiness which are vitality, connection, and contribution, all which can be found through travel.

Vitality is both physically and mentally. When we travel, we tend to be more active. We walk around a new city to explore, we take hikes to beautiful viewpoints, and take a stroll along the beach breathing in the fresh sea air. Spending time in nature, staying active, and feeling rejuvenated can all increase our vitality. Travel can also give our mental vitality a boost through personal growth. We learn new skills, become great problem-solvers, gain confidence, and feel fulfilled and enriched.

One of the most popular reasons why people travel is to meet new people. We are social beings by nature. Travel is a great way to meet people that you otherwise wouldn’t have met, share and hear stories, and spend quality time with your loved ones. Travel enriches and builds relationships. It’s the people that we meet in plac...

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Helping People Heal Through Travel: A Journey to Restoration

Travel has long been recognized for its ability to rejuvenate the soul, ignite a sense of adventure, and create lasting memories. But did you know that travel can also serve as a powerful tool for healing and personal transformation? Whether it's recovering from a loss, overcoming a challenging period, or simply seeking solace and self-discovery, the transformative nature of travel can provide a much-needed path to healing. In this blog post, we will explore how travel can help people heal, restore their spirits, and embark on a transformative journey towards healing and self-renewal.

1. It Offers a Break from Routine and Familiarity

Sometimes, healing begins with stepping away from the familiar and embracing new environments. Travel allows individuals to temporarily detach from their routine, surroundings, and responsibilities, creating a space for self-reflection and emotional healing.

  • Distance from triggers and reminders: For those experiencing grief, heartache, or traumatic ev
  • ...
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Travel Recovery: Nurturing Your Well-Being After Exploration

wellness travel Jul 06, 2023

By Tandi Bailey | Eir Wellness

Traveling is an exhilarating experience that allows us to explore new places, immerse ourselves in different cultures, and create cherished memories. However, the excitement of travel can sometimes leave us feeling physically and emotionally drained upon our return.

Travel recovery delves into the importance of resting and provides valuable benefits to help you restore and nurture your well-being after your adventures. It is an intentional process of rejuvenating and restoring your mind, body, and spirit after an immersive travel experience.

Rest and Recharge

After an intensive travel experience, it's essential to prioritize rest and recharge. Give yourself permission to relax and rejuvenate. Allow your body to recover from jet lag, fatigue, and the physical demands of travel. Set aside dedicated time for quality sleep, unwind with a good book, take soothing baths, and engage in activities that promote relaxation. Buffer your travel timeline with a co...

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Feeling Burnt Out? Activate Your Bucket List!

By: Christine DePalo

Stressed. Exhausted. Frustrated. Confused. Overwhelmed. Indeed, I was experiencing the effects of burnout. Whether it be the pandemic, work, or just life in general, I’m sure you can relate. 

In 2022, I felt very stuck. Nothing seemed to be going right, my teaching job was getting more stressful, and my health was in peril. I felt like a zombie, just lumbering through life with no voice. At that point, I knew I had to do something to make a change because I felt like I was going in circles. I tried everything to recover, but nothing helped me feel like myself. I needed to get away. I had always enjoyed traveling and exploring new places and decided that a trip was in order! So, I dusted off my bucket list and the wheels began to turn. 

My bucket list was a living document where I added and removed locations. Over time, I realized that the trend of my preferred sites were places that presented challenges- physically, emotionally and spiritually. Africa was at the...

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Can You Run From Grief?

wellness travel Nov 15, 2022

By: Gemma Sheppard

Can you run from grief?

The short answer is, no. 

There is one thing for certain: We all inevitably die one day. And some of us are faced with the reality of death earlier than others. Each person experience numerous losses throughout their lives. The emotional response to that grief and the subsequent action taken are individual and very much influenced by where that person is in his/her life.

My father was first diagnosed with cancer in 2012 when I was 20 years old. It turned my entire world upside down. My family was in a state of shock trying to wrap our heads around the devastating news. Until that point, I always thought of cancer as something that affects other people, something that happens in other families. You know, heart-breaking stories on the news and the radio, not something you have to come to terms with. 

My dad had throat cancer and had his voice box removed, which put him in remission fairly quickly. We actually thought it was over; the battle...

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Mindful Travel: Where Mindfulness & Travel Meet

wellness travel Nov 15, 2022

By: Camila Castro

To my mind, mindful living and what I would classify as conscious or intentional travel, are two sides of the same coin. This insight came one day, while on holiday in Mallorca, as I settled into stillness on my yoga mat. It occurred to me that my ongoing journey into mindfulness in many ways parallels the internal journeys I have undergone while traveling around the world. As a third-culture kid, travel played a hugely significant role in my childhood and it truly helped shape my lifestyle, my values and my worldview. As an adult seeking to discover my purpose and to create a life of meaning, mindfulness has had a similarly significant impact on my life. In that moment on my mat, I realized that the kind of travel I favor – travel that is intentional, conscious and responsible (all growing trends) – is, in fact, very much in alignment with the principles of mindfulness.

For the sake of clarity, let me first explain how I have come to understand both mindfulness and...

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