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How to Turn Travel Into a Career in 2024

travel travel careers Apr 14, 2024

Wondering how to turn travel into a career in 2024?

Then, you're in the right place - because there's so much more to a travel career than just blogging and bookings.

Becoming a travel agent, starting a travel blog, those are two completely viable options. 

And we have many members in the Travel Coach Network who have pursued those paths.

But there are endless possibilities.

And if you're here, we're guessing you're looking for something more.

So in this article, we'll explore ways to turn travel into a career.


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The Current Landscape of Travel Careers

In recent years, understandably, more people have wanted to turn their passion for travel into profitable, viable careers. And the industry has expanded to meet that demand.

From traditional roles in travel agencies and hospitality to emerging opportunities in sustainable tourism and digital nomadism, the landscape of travel careers in 2024 is diverse and dynamic.

And it's growing quickly.

The Travel Industry is Expanding and Quickly Changing

You don't need to look too long to find compelling evidence that supports this.

According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the global travel and tourism industry contributed 9.1% of global GDP in 2023, despite the challenges experienced in a post-pandemic world [source: WTTC].

The travel sector accounted for approximately 319 million jobs worldwide in 2019, illustrating its significant role in job creation [source: Statista]. And as more services are invented, even more jobs will be created.

The world is quickly changing, too.

2020 showed us that many careers in travel can be done at least partially if not fully remotely - and the demand for remote jobs increased exponentially.

This sentiment is seen on social media, too. We've all seen those posts saying things like, "I quit my 9-5 to travel the world," and, "Living the digital nomad lifestyle."

And as the demand for this lifestyle increased, companies became more flexible to attract and retain talent.

We're Rethinking Where, How, and Why People Travel

Travel is deeply personal.

Gone are the days where everyone wanted to take the same kinds of vacations, to the same places.

And in fact, it's possible that travelers have been craving these things all long - and that these desires just weren't as clearly articulated until now.

This is exactly what we do here at the Travel Coach Network.

We're not only disrupting careers in the travel industry, but we're rethinking how people travel.

When you consider how you'd like to impact travel and human behavior, possibilities open up for you.

If you're still reading this, chances are you'd be an excellent travel coach.

And in our opinion, becoming a travel coach is exactly how to turn travel into a career.

It All Starts With Knowing Yourself

You likely relate to travel and coaching for similar reasons - you're passionate about individual growth, human potential, and personal development.

Just like you'd want to be intentional about the purpose of a trip, the same goes for your business.

So before you start creating a selling a product, you'll do a lot of inner work around who you are, what you want from your life, and how you want for your business to support you.

Know Your Interests

When considering a new career or business, it's important to really identify your interests.

Travel is so broad - so what specifically about travel interests you most?

Is it a destination? A certain kind of travel? A particular milestone that inspires a trip?

Maybe it's what travel does, and how it acts as a catalyst for change and healing.

If so, what kind of change do you focus on?

If you're interested in the power travel has to heal others, who is it healing?

What is travel healing people from?

Identify Your Passion

Your unique passion might be travel itself, or it might be something that intersects with travel.

Maybe you enjoy the feeling of freedom that comes with sailing - or perhaps you're interested in philanthropy and giving back.

Whatever it is, it can be combined with these other factors to find your unique differentiators and area(s) of focus.

Find Your Purpose

Really dig deeper - why do you travel?

If you already have followers, a community, or an existing audience - why do they really travel?

Go beyond the surface-level reasons like "to try different foods" and "to meet new people."

What lies under that?

What happens when they find that?

And do the same kind of soul searching. 

Really ask yourself why you travel and what you're looking for on your next trip.

List Your Skills

What are your practical skills?

You might be surprised how you can use them!

These are just a few of the skills travel coaches use to attract, coach, and serve clients:

  • Photography
  • Videography
  • Writing
  • Active listening
  • Teaching
  • Journaling
  • Asking deep, reflective questions
  • Holding space for others
  • Advocate work
  • Networking
  • And there are many more!

Any skills you have - whether they're unique talents you've cultivated, or skills acquired from a former career, can be used to create your own career as a travel coach.

Consider Your Education

Both formal and informal education can serve you as a travel coach.

Do you have any formal degrees that could relate to your area of focus?

Perhaps you've done yoga training, or participated in a language immersion program.

Whatever you've done in your personal or professional life, you can integrate it into your work as a travel coach.

Own Your Expertise

Don't be afraid to really own your expertise - and always look for opportunities to learn more.

True experts in their field are always learning and growing.

If you're not already, consider attending conferences and lectures.

Network with people in your field.

Read books or listen to podcasts from other leaders in your chosen area of expertise.

And if you don't feel confident calling yourself an expert yet, invite people on the journey with you as you become the expert.

Highlight Your Experience

Your formal and informal experience can lend to your expertise!

This can be really encouraging to anyone who doesn't have formal expertise in what they'd like to focus on.

Consider your own personal, travel experience.

How can you use that to convey what you've learned?

Was there a certain trip or travel moment that led you to pursue a career in travel?

Lean into that and learn how to tell your founder story.

We have many resources around this in the Travel Coach Certification Program.


Build a Strong Foundation

This is where the Travel Coach Network (and more specifically, the Travel Coach Certification Program) really shines.

By going through the program, you're building a strong brand foundation - which you can then use to launch a myriad of products, services, and coaching offers.

This is the framework we've used with hundreds of successful travel coaches in our program:

Starting Your Journey as a Travel Coach

Every journey starts with a single step.

Truly, the first part of your journey as a travel coach is to decide you're going to pursue t.

THIS is how turn travel into a career; you have to commit.

In the first module of the Travel Coach Certification Program, you'll learn the basics of starting a business - and you'll setup a system to track all of your learning.

Mind Your Mindset

Travel is an amazing tool for challenging yourself and changing your mindset.

The same can be said for starting a business.

In the second module, you'll learn how to strengthen your mindset - so you're well fortified as you build your business.

Find Your Niche

If you've been thinking about starting a business for a while, then you've likely already read or heard how important it is for you to find your niche.

We actually have a different stance here at the Travel Coach Network, and we believe you don't really need to decide on one niche.

In this episode of the Travel Coach Network Podcast, I share how you can find your niche as a travel coach.


Values, Vision, and Mission

This is a key piece of building a foundation for your business. In order to develop a brand and tell your brand story, you need to know what you believe and what you choose to stand for.

These will be the core pillars of your business.

They'll help you make decisions, and they'll direct how your business operates in the world.

Create an Authentic Travel Brand

Nowadays, "authentic" has become a buzzword.

Being truly authentic means learning who you truly are, and showing up as yourself in your business - no matter which platform(s) or methods you use for business or marketing.

In the Travel Coach Certification Program, we focus on helping you build an authentic travel brand however you choose to.

Choose Your Business Structure

This is when you think about how your business operates, and how you'd like for it to operate.

You can be a coach without offering one-on-one sessions.

In fact, there are endless possibilities when it comes to making money as a travel coach.

Some examples include:

  • Advertising
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Brand partnerships
  • One-on-one coaching sessions
  • Group coaching sessions
  • Corporate consulting
  • Courses
  • Memberships
  • Masterminds
  • Group trips
  • Tours
  • Retreats
  • Meet-ups
  • Speaking engagements

And that's just a few options.

Take a moment to reflect on that list - do any of those resonate with you?

If so, write them down.

If not, write down what you want your ideal work to look like.

Then, look for a monetization method that matches that.

Develop Your Coaching Practice

We have entire sessions dedicated to helping you become a better coach.

Within the Travel Coach Network, you'll also find multiple opportunities to practice your coaching and pitching skills.

The Travel Coach Approach™

In this module, you'll learn all about the Travel Coach Approach™ - which is the philosophy we hold as coaches within the Travel Coach Network.

Spreading Your Message

Visibility and marketing are two areas that many travel coaches struggle with.

We have multiple training sessions dedicated to helping you clarify your message and get it out into the world. 

We cover topics like P.R., pitching to the press, creating long-form content, social media marketing, and email marketing.

Which Path is Right For You?

When you're learning how to turn travel into a career, you'll find that there are many options.

No matter which path you pick, you get to choose how fast or how slow you go on the way there.

You might choose to pursue a career for an established company.

Or, you might start a side-hustle that aligns with your passion, purpose, and skillset.

And of course, you might choose to grow that side-hustle into a second salary - or to make that your full-time career.

Whatever you choose, we're here for you in the Travel Coach Network - and we'd love to support you further in the Travel Coach Certification Program.

Free Resources for Future Travel Coaches

Not ready for the program yet?

Check out these other free resources for aspiring travel coaches:


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